
There’s good reason why synthetic lubes are better

It’s no secret that synthetic oils offer a distinct lubrication advantage over conventional mineral oils. Which is why South Africa’s leading blender of synthetic lubricants, the Habot Oil Company proudly offers a broad range of full synthetic and blended synthetic performance lubricants to cater for every automotive lubrication application.

“Synthetic lubricants are better than mineral oils in just about every possible way,” Habot Oils Marketing Manager Adam Williamson points out. Habot’s range of Performance Synthetic Lubricants offer a lower co-efficient of friction to not only ensure higher oxidation stability and longer engine life, but a lower pour point ensures that they are never too thick at start up in freezing cold conditions. Perhaps more importantly however, Habot Performance Lubricants also ensure more power and improve fuel efficiency too.”

Heard it all before? Of course, you have! But what does it all mean? First of all, designer synthetic lubricants are created by artificially breaking down chemical compounds and rebuilding them molecule by molecule from an ideal base stock oil. A mineral, or conventional oil. on the other hand, is made by refining crude oil, which retains many of the crude qualities that earned it the name. And that’s also why synthetic lubricants are considered superior. 

Synthetic lubricants can be completely made up, or they can be blended from multiple base oil types. A blended synthetic lubricant is a mix of conventional and synthetic base motor oils. The crux of the matter however, is that synthetic oils benefit greater viscosity, or a lubricant’s ability to produce and maintain the necessary film between the metal surfaces of an internal combustion engine. They better protect moving parts as they slide or rotate against each other in the engine, transmission, differential and every other car component. 

Synthetic lubricants better protect components than conventional mineral oils do, synthetics are better in shear conditions, and they also resist emissions and oxidation. That in turn combats sludge, varnish, and corrosion deposits from building up, while reduced volatility also means less topping up between service oil changes. Mineral oils thicken and will no longer circulate to cause oil starvation and damage at extremely low temperatures. Synthetic lubes will not cold clog.

Are there disadvantages in synthetic oils? Yes. Synthetics cost between double and four times more. Multigrade synthetic motor oils may deliver slightly less fuel economy at highway speeds. But then another great synthetic’s test asset is longer lifespan. Synthetics offer far longer recommended oil change intervals than in OE mineral oils. 

“Is a synthetic oil better for your engine than conventional mineral oil?” Adam Williamson concludes. “In general, yes. Provided that you adhere to the carmaker's viscosity grade and follow recommended oil change intervals, albeit it more expensive, a synthetic oil will definitely better protect your engine. That’s why synthetic oils are the new lubrication normal. Three-quarters of new cars, bakkies and SUVs already require full or semi synthetic oils, and that number will continue to rise. 

“Investing in premium lubrication not only improves your vehicle’s performance. It also enhances engine life. Which is why South Africa’s leading race drivers swear by Habot Synthetic Oils in series where every thousandth of a second counts. You can do the same for your ride by switching to Habot fully synthetic, or blended synthetic performance lubricants now!” 

Log on to now to discover the best possible synthetic lubrication solution for your car, SUV, bakkie or truck.


Issued on behalf of Habot Oils

What:The Habot Synthetic Oil Advantage
When:Thursday 22 August 2024
Community:South Africa National

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